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GSAK update


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  • 2 weeks later...
Kreeg zojuist om 04:50 email van Clyde. Zou de man nooit slapen? In ieder geval er is een nieuwe update voor de geregistreerde gebruikers.

De niet geregistreerde gebruikers kunnen "later" deze versie downloaden...


De verschillen met de vorige versie zijn:


Major changes this release:

Custom Tool bar - Add/Remove/ buttons on the tool bar (also change their position)

Custom Search bar - Select, Move, Size, controls on the search bar

New "settings" option added to all export dialogs.

New "settings" option added to GPX load dialog

Macro language can now control all options for the Export and Load dialogs

New macro commands

New special tags

Database changes to make saving of icons and corrected coordinates more robust

Support for Delorme Topo USA, Street Atlas Plus (Including shipped and custom icons)

Support for Memory Map (Including shipped and custom icons)

Major overhaul of GSAK generated HTML to fix mal formed pages and better support PDA "non graphics" formats

Icon overrides - override icons for "micro" cache type and others like GPX spinner

Ability to Move/Copy waypoints between databases (Database=>Move/Copy Waypoints...)

Ability to purge logs from your database (Database=>Purge Logs...)

New uncluttered default tool bar (but customize the way you want it)

Automatic check for newer version of GSAK (May need firewall authorization if you have firewall software installed)

Ik ben op dit programma afgeknapt. Helaase heb ik het discussie onderwerp weer eens verkeerd geplaatst. HELP :beerchug:

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  • 1 month later...

En alweer een update


7.0.3 29th March, 2007 (Maintenance Release)


All line feeds are now removed from the waypoint name (more information)

Fixed issue of old GSAK settings causing problems with some file loads (more information

Repair/Defrag now also removes any duplicated corrected coordinates that it finds)

Fixed "cancel" option not working correctly when accidentally selecting Ozi option on right click menu (more information)

Split screen now refreshed after load of GPX file (more information)

Fixed macro command MacroSet not working correctly for filters, if never used before (more information)

Fixed minor gpx export settings bug (more information)

Fixed macro Command VerCheck bug (more information)

Fixed Pause command, skip button problem (more information)

Fixed a problem when using a location name with hyphen to set a center point (more information)

Task bar update for multi monitors (more information)

Fixed File=>Export=>HTML not respecting found and placed settings (more information)

Fixed File=>Export=>HTML generating invalid reserved file names (more information)

Fixed macro command TextOut not clearing out variables correctly after each invocation (more information)

Child (and project) waypoints respect display settings format (more information)

Fixed edit dialog quirk with corrected coordinates (more information)

Fixed problem with not() function used in macro command MFILTER (more information)

Fixed ShowForm() exit when using incompatible variable types (more information)

Fixed child url not being updated in GUI and Macro language (more information)

Fixed crash when using $d_cflag in a macro (more information)

Child waypoint field $d_cFlag is now preserved on a Geocaching.com GPX update (more information)

User created child waypoints now distinguished from Geocaching.com additional waypoints (more information)

$d_cByUser variable to indicate user created child waypoints

Fixed a problem where smart names were being unnecessarily re calculated (more information)

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  • 1 month later...

Er is weer een nieuwe update voor versie 7 gebruikers.


7.0.4 2nd May, 2007 (Maintenance Release)


Fixed a macro problem where an expression like "1.01" was being seen as a "date" variable if your international settings were Germany. This may apply to other European countries as well (more information)

Fixed $d_cByUser variable issues (more information)

"Database=>Properties" - center point coordinate display now respects your current display format settings

"Not chosen" and "Other" are now recognized as valid container types when updating the database variable $d_Container

Added type "Other" to container type for global replace

Fixed invalid coordinate problems when using the "grab waypoints" tool. (more information here and here)

Repair=>Defrag now removes any line feeds that have manged to get into cache names.

Fixed underscore showing in GetMail subject status (more information)

Setting $d_found to true will now automatically set $d_FoundCount to 1 if it is zero

Minor tweaks to the coordinate grabber, including better recognition of coordinates inside HTML formatted tables

Mapsource is now opened by association if MapSource "Path" not found in registry (more information)

Command "Splitscreen Display=Yes" now makes sure the split screen is also refreshed

New GSAK Logo added to "Help=>About", Desktop icon, associated files icons, Taskbar icon.

Database variable $d_lLogId is no longer read only (write at your own risk!)

"Search=>Filter=>Logs" the text "and log is by a certain person" also toggles the status of the check box when clicked (previously it was inconsistent with the other check boxes and did not)

Logs in offline HTML now support bbcode tags

Fixed a bug in the macro List() function for actions "find" and "findcs" when the list delimiter was more than one character

"File=>Restore" with settings previously restored the "Macros" and "UserImages" folders but not the sub folders within these folders. Now fixed.

"Tools=>Options=>Abbreviations" is now case insensitive

"Tools=>Options=>Abbreviations" From/To conversions now also convert the "state" in corrected coordinates.

Macro command "Database Action=Delete" now includes error checking for success or failure

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Ik heb nu de Beta versie

Ik heb daar geen mailtje van gehad van Clyde. Waar is die neer te laden?

Kijk even in het 7.1 beta forum. (hier) De download thread staat bovenaan.


van de beta's stuurt Clyde normaal gesproken geen mailing rond.

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Ik heb nu de Beta versie

Ik heb daar geen mailtje van gehad van Clyde. Waar is die neer te laden?

Kijk even in het 7.1 beta forum. (hier) De download thread staat bovenaan.


van de beta's stuurt Clyde normaal gesproken geen mailing rond.

thanx, kan ik ook een nieuw macrootje gebruiken om stats in mijn profiel te krijgen. Hiervasn stond een linkje in de mail van Clyde.

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  • 1 month later...

En er is weer een nieuwe update voor GSAK, geen beta maar een retail version: is de laatste tot nu toe met de volgende wijzigingen:


Added spell checking to GSAK

New extension of .gsk for macro support (more information)

New Macro run dialog (more information)

Added "Status Check" option to Waypoint menu

Child grid columns position and size are now sticky

Child grid column has option to set the "ByUser" highlight color

Added "ByUser" checkbox to the child waypoints edit dialog

Added vertical scroll bars to the child waypoints edit dialog

Enabled the delete key to delete individual waypoints from the child waypoints edit dialog

Added "Extra information to show as first log" box to GPX export

Added "Extra information to show as first log" box to CacheMate export

Added support for CacheMate dnf logs (more information)

Added support for Cachemate GPX 1.1 files (more information)

Added option to exclude user notes for CacheMate export

Added "Not(RegEx)" to all filter drop down boxes that support regular expressions (allows you to "negate" a regular expression selection)

Form Designer now only writes out form Top and Left if found in original form

Tools=>Options=>General, added "Keep chars" to smart name options

Main screen - changed "Escape key" behaviour [1]

Corrected coordinates dialog now shows distance and bearing from original coordinates

"Database=>Global replace" now supports escaping of characters via the mislukt!) function

"Center point=>Locations" added a search box

"Center point=>Post code" added a "nearby caches" button which links to Geocaching.com nearby caches list

$d_LastGPXDate is now supported as "lockable" variable for the LOAD command parameter Lock=

"Waypoint=>Add/Edit" added "Owner name" to this dialog.

"View=>Save" now assumes current view name

"File=>Export=>GPX" Added support for "use last symbol for last gps send"

"Tools=>Options=>Advanced", name search delay now applies to the code search as well (and is now referred to as only "search delay")

Added "back" link for hints in GSAK offline HTML [2]

Added ability to delete all caches from the permanent delete list (more information)

GSAK now prompts when configured data folder not accessible rather than automatically creating a default (more information)

"File=>Open GPX" database list now sorted alphabetically

GUI tweaks to "Tools=>Options=>Advanced" (more information)

Arc/poly filter using W,xxxxxx format now ignores non matched entries

Added Special Tag for cache owner name - %ownername

Macro command FILTER now respects the speedmode status

Goto Command now supports Position=Previous

$_Eol now set when any Goto positions you outside your current sub set of records

Added macro function IsOwner()

Added macro function GetClipText()

Distance and bearing (from parent cache) now shown in child waypoints HTML table

Added macro function VarExists()

Added new class of variables. All variables starting with $P_ are now "persistent"

Added macro function RemoveVar()

Added macro function SQL()

Added new macro command Option <Explicit=Yes|No>

Added new macro command Declare <Var=Varname> <Type=Date|Numeric|String|Boolean>

Exposed the $d_MacroSort variable for update and display

Added "MacroSort" to the list of available columns for the SORT command

"SplitScreen Display=Yes" now forces a refresh of the split screen

Added function Rot13()

Added function UTF8()

Gcalc() function added high accuracy projection. Action = "ProjectHigh"

Added function ZipFile()

Added "*Omit*" symbol when using macro to allocate symbol for child waypoints

Added the status of the "SplitScreen" to the SysInfo() function. Returns "On" if on or "Off" if off.

Special tag %typ1 is now synchronised with $d_CacheType (more information)

Speed improvements when using the %macro special tag


Macro Editor: Added option "File=>Install" to install the current macro <li>"File=>New" generates a default template populated with all the "Mac" keywords <li>Added "Run" option to main menu (which actually performs a "save and run") <li>Added "Help" option to main menu - Opens the Macro help topic in the main GSAK help file <li>Added Alt+ default keyboard shortcuts to all main menu options <li>"Edit=>Insert template" added to insert default template populated with all the "Mac" keywords



Better logo file to help eliminate artifacts on analog monitors (more information)

Offline HTML - any open <font> tags are now closed at the end of the log (more information)

Fixed problem with macro command Goto Position=bottom and $_Eol (more information)

File=>Export=>GPX fixed crash when clicking on abort then retry (more information)

Fixed load of GPX file with corrected coordinates not updating the $d_HasCorrected database variable (more information)

Fixed problem with seek() function when used on the "logs" table (more information)

"Tools=>Options=>Keyboard shortcuts" fixed problem where the replaced keyboard short cut not being returned to the available list (more information)

Fixed "Invalid variant type conversion" crash (and other strange happenings) when using macro command Mfilter with Sort by=Natural (more information)

Fixed bbcode problem (more information)

Fixed a memory leak when using the %macro special tag (more information)

Fixed filter selection problem when using the keyboard (more information)

Fixed SysInfo("MacroPath") problem (more information)

"File=>Export=>csv/txt" fixed view problem (more information)

Fixed %UserLog to stop stripping out of double quotes (more information)

Fixed various "sleeping" bugs with the list() function (mainly when using CRLF as the delimiter)

Fixed "Lock up" when aborting GPX generation via a macro (more information)

"GPS=>Setup" now checks to make sure you have checked at least one symbol (more information)

Ozi explorer names file changed to use 45 characters for the name rather than 60 (more information)

Last center latitude and longitude now written out to gsak.ini when database is changed (more information)

Fixed problem with "load CacheMate logs and finds" options not working correctly (more information)


Extra notes:


[1] - Previously when you hit the escape key it would clear your current filter completely. Now it is more intelligent. When you hit the escape key, GSAK now checks to see if you are doing a name or code search - if so, only this search is cleared and your subset returns to the main filter. If you hit the escape key again, then the main filter is cleared.


[2] - When jumping to hints in any offline HTML page, there is now a "back" link that will take you back to where you came from

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  • 4 weeks later...

En weer een update voor GSAK. (







7.1.1 24th July, 2007


Added Macro function Eval()

Added Macro ResyncLogs command

Added DirectInput=Yes/No as an allowed property of the ComboBox control

Added new graphics for container size and difficulty and terrain

Added Align and Resize options to the forms designer

Easier method of moving and resizing controls in the forms designer

Speed enahancements to the genration of macro form code

Removed "Cancel" as a button property because it is not a valid button property

Force disk write of all tables when hard crash error thrown to try and minimize database corruption.

Implemented a more efficient method for "Waypoint=>Status check" - it should now be quicker and use less bandwidth.

cbxViews.Text now synchronized with database properties (more information)

Added new "MacUrl" keyword support for macros to enable quick navigation to corresponding forum thread (more information)

Focus is now always set to the main grid after finishing a macro (more information)

GSAK macro buttons now check for macro name with .txt or .gsk extension (more information)

Fixed counts not be calculated when using a filter by distance and then setting a different center point (more information)

Fixed date validation when ENTER pressed in filter dialog (more information)

Fixed a problem when a cache is updated to found via the GUI, and the $d_FoundCount was not also being updated

Fixed a problem in data generated by DbToSQL when only one column and data is NULL

Fixed hard crash caused by using the DataSave command in a macro with no records in the database

Fixed change log showing the "from" difficulty and terrain as blank when your International settings has a , (comma) for the decimal seperator.

Fixed URI support sorting problem when cache not found (more information)

Fixed arc/poly macro error that would prevent future macros from running

Fixed problem with forms designer that would generate duplicate control names if your source control name included trailing spaces

Fixed binary debug display when character 512 was a single CR

Fixed keyboard "weirdness" with the run macro dialog (more information)

Fixed a bug when using DbToSQL() function with a filter active, and exporting child waypoints (more information)

Fixed a hard crash caused by using a matching part child waypoint variable name in a function, and then leaving off the $ prefix (more information)

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  • 6 months later...
En weer een update voor GSAK. (







7.1.1 24th July, 2007


Added Macro function Eval()

Added Macro ResyncLogs command

Added DirectInput=Yes/No as an allowed property of the ComboBox control

Added new graphics for container size and difficulty and terrain

Added Align and Resize options to the forms designer

Easier method of moving and resizing controls in the forms designer

Speed enahancements to the genration of macro form code

Removed "Cancel" as a button property because it is not a valid button property

Force disk write of all tables when hard crash error thrown to try and minimize database corruption.

Implemented a more efficient method for "Waypoint=>Status check" - it should now be quicker and use less bandwidth.

cbxViews.Text now synchronized with database properties (more information)

Added new "MacUrl" keyword support for macros to enable quick navigation to corresponding forum thread (more information)

Focus is now always set to the main grid after finishing a macro (more information)

GSAK macro buttons now check for macro name with .txt or .gsk extension (more information)

Fixed counts not be calculated when using a filter by distance and then setting a different center point (more information)

Fixed date validation when ENTER pressed in filter dialog (more information)

Fixed a problem when a cache is updated to found via the GUI, and the $d_FoundCount was not also being updated

Fixed a problem in data generated by DbToSQL when only one column and data is NULL

Fixed hard crash caused by using the DataSave command in a macro with no records in the database

Fixed change log showing the "from" difficulty and terrain as blank when your International settings has a , (comma) for the decimal seperator.

Fixed URI support sorting problem when cache not found (more information)

Fixed arc/poly macro error that would prevent future macros from running

Fixed problem with forms designer that would generate duplicate control names if your source control name included trailing spaces

Fixed binary debug display when character 512 was a single CR

Fixed keyboard "weirdness" with the run macro dialog (more information)

Fixed a bug when using DbToSQL() function with a filter active, and exporting child waypoints (more information)

Fixed a hard crash caused by using a matching part child waypoint variable name in a function, and then leaving off the $ prefix (more information)

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  • 1 month later...

een patch release boven op 7.2


Build 10


Version 7.2.1 will be a maintenance release to address "issues" that have been brought to light since the public release of 7.2.0


This thread will be the sole notification of changes in version 7.2.0 and any such changes will not be reflected in the help file until this version is made fully public (available for download from my web site) which will then include a new updated help file.


Changes since the public release 7.2.0:


1. Added BBcode support for non standard "shocked" smiley (more information)

2. Changed algorithm for screenshot names when sending to GSAK server to avoid rare name duplication

3. Fixed delete count of flagged waypoints when a filter is set (more information)

4. Fixed calendar start day issue with child waypoints (more information)

5. Fixed obscure extract() function bug (more information)

6. Added option to run split screen browser in "silent" mode (Tools=>Options=>Advanced) (more information)

7. Added option to Google maps to use back up server (Tools=>Options=>HTML)

8. GSAK will now also flag a cache as found if the GPX <type> element contains "Found"


7 - The new Google maps feature in split screen uses "Server side" code to display these maps (a requirement of the Google maps API TOU). Unfortunately this does mean that if gsak.net goes down for any reason you will not be able to see these maps. Tools=>Options=>HTML adds an option to choose your Google maps server. The alternative gsak.info is a backup server which is a completely different web host to gsak.net. You should then be able to toggle between servers as required.



Download here http://gsak.info/GSAK721B38.exe

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  • 9 months later...

En er is weer een nieuwe GSAK versie!


Zo op het eerste gezicht zijn er een aantal erg leuke dingen toegevoegd, volgens mij zeer de moeite waard om te upgraden.


Downloaden hier


Changes (ook hier te vinden)

7.5.0 15th January, 2009


General changes


Database format changes

GPS Transparency

Added Garmin POI export

"File=>Load" now supports file types other than GPX/LOC

Added ability to filter (and set flags) of child waypoints via the Children tab on the filter dialog

Added ability for split screen to set to top, bottom, left, or right

Added dual monitor support for split screen

Added support for British OS grid coordinates

Added "PDA friendly" option to File=>Export=>HTML

"File=>Load" settings now allows you to save/restore both database and file name

Bearing column sort is now clockwise (as per a compass) more information

When manually adding a child waypoint the code "prefix" is automatically calculated from the waypoint type

When adding a child waypoint the initial coordinates are cloned from the parent cache

Added option to keep all logs of caches you own when doing a log purge

Macro buttons can now be configured to any width and height

Macro buttons can now have their own "icon", instead of or in addition to the macro text

"Database=>Properties" added section for database notes

"File=>Load CacheMate logs and finds" now supports matching of waypoints using special tags

"File=>Load CacheMate logs and finds" - added wild card support to the file name.

"File=>Load CacheMate logs and finds" - added option to convert GMT to local time.

Macro Manger now includes a version check and update.

You are now notified when that macro is on the Tools bar (macro configuration, via right mouse click on macro tool bar)

Macro drop down box, now shows both the macro number and text name (macro configuration via right mouse click on tool bar)

"File=>Export=>GPX" - Added support for GPX version 1.1 files

GPX files with a BOM are now supported

Added "County update" to the GPX load dialog

Added new database fields County, User3, User4

"Tools=>Options" added easy access to the GSAK polygon/line drawing tool

"Tools=>File Association" change to include .gsk files and URI support.

Added special tag %c_comment

"Userflags=>clear/set for next nn" now supports negative numbers

Primary key to the logs file is now "Parent code + LogId"

"Waypoint=>Highlight" $_CurrentDatabase now supported in mfilter expressions

Stopped needless recalculation of center point when adding a location

Added separate cache type for "Waymark"

Terracaching mental and physical values now converted to Difficulty and Terrain respectively

Fixed problem of "disappearing icons" on the tool bar when restoring settings from one computer to another with different DPI settings

Fixed problem of GSAK "freezing" at splash screen when first run on some systems


Macro changes - General


Added support for the new fields County,User3, and User4

Added full support for the corrected coordinates file in the macro language

You can now pass parameters when calling a macro

Form definitions are now "pre processed" to validate form properties

Added macro/ forms design "protection"


Macro changes - Functions/commands


Added GetUrl() function

Added Url= to command Splitscreen

Added command DualScreen

Added Dir() function

Added command MacSettings

Added action "destroy" to the list() function

Added command GPSReceive

Command MacroFlag now supports negative numbers for range=nn

Command UserFlag now supports negative numbers for range=nn

Added function RegExPos()

Command PreProcess added Parameter "AltKey="

Replace() function - The last parameter (ignore case) is now optional and defaults to true if left out.

Added error trapping to sqlite()

Modified CacheType() function to also convert full descriptions to one character, and get a full list of the 1 character abbreviations.

Added ChildType() function

Added Random() function

Added a Yes/No dialog to the macro language via the function YesNo()

SysInfo() function now supports "Internet"

Added function SqlQuote()

Added function DriveExists()

Added command Transaction

Added command SQLiteCaches


Macro changes - Forms


Added macro/ forms design "protection"

Added new "Browser" control

Added "ExitOnChange" property to the form control CheckBox

Added "ExitOnClick" property to the image control

The checklistbox control now supports the properties font, size, and style

The memo control now supports the property TextColor

Added system variables $_ImageClickLeft and $_ImageClickTop


Macro changes - System variables


Added system variable $_DbNotes

Added system variable $_CurrentPath

Added system variable $_AltKey

Added system variable $_ImageClickLeft

Added system variable $_ImageClickTop

Added system variable $_DbCount

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