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speak american?

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Gast sassified
:angry: This dumb american is looking for photos of cool caches in far away and interesting places. Anyone speak english?

:angry: This dumb american is looking for photos of cool caches in far away and interesting places.  Anyone speak english?

What is a cool cache in your opinion and why do you want these pictures ? ;)

Gast sassified

:angry: well, here's the truth: I'm the author of *Treasure Hunt: The Kid's Guide To Geocaching* I'm trying to contact geocachers who would be interested in contributing photo(s)/stories of unusual cache containers and locations. Each chapter also includes an interview with a "kid cacher." Any takers? Publication is slated for next Fall. I just don't know of any other way to make contact. I don't want to be a spammer so this is what I'll do: I'll get lost and just drop me an email if your interested. Thanks.



No, you're not a spammer.

You're always welcome here.


I am thinking, what I can do for you now. ;)


Zeg eh, mede cachers!!!

Help deze man es even: hij heeft info nodig voor zijn boek.

Post hier bijzondere caches of andere rare, geinige, nuttige -geocaching gerelateerde- info.

Hij wil ook graag foto's hebben. :angry:


Het is voor kids, dus lijkt het me aardig om foto's/bijzonderheden van "speciale" kids-caches te versturen. Ik ken ze (nog) niet, maar er is een Nijntje-cache en een Smurfen-cache. Is dat wat?

Maar waarom zoekt die man in Nederland? Is er in Amerika niks? Of probeert hij zoveel mogelijk verhalen uit de wereld te halen? Dat laatste zou ik doen. Dus dan wil je eigenlijk kids-caches die speciaal nederlands zijn laten zien. Toch?!

:ph34r: This dumb american is looking for photos of cool caches in far away and interesting places.  Anyone speak english?
well, here's the truth: I'm the author of *Treasure Hunt: The Kid's Guide To Geocaching* I'm trying to contact geocachers who would be interested in contributing photo(s)/stories of unusual cache containers and locations. Each chapter also includes an interview with a "kid cacher." Any takers? Publication is slated for next Fall. I just don't know of any other way to make contact. I don't want to be a spammer so this is what I'll do: I'll get lost and just drop me an email if your interested. Thanks.


Ik geloof er dus niks van.


Waarom zegt die achterlijke Amerikaan niet meteen wat ie wil?

Ik geloof er dus niks van.


Waarom zegt die achterlijke Amerikaan niet meteen wat ie wil?

A dumb American hoeft niet meteen een achterlijke Amerikaan te zijn. Maar heb jij ooit al eens een amerikaan ontmoet die WEL rechtstreeks to-the-point is? Ik ook niet. Geeft niks; ik heb sowieso iets tegen amerikanen en hun (leef)cultuur. Of denk je dat de Amerikanen Irak zijn binnengevallen omdat Meneer Hussein zo onaardig is. Nope... olie meneer. Dat zullen ze ook niet toegeven.

En ja, ik heb ook mijn bedenkingen.


Desalniettemin, waarom niet gewoon te woord staan? Het kan maar zo een Hollander zijn... Ik geef hem het voordeel van de twijfel.

Gast sassified

GeoGerard: Thanks for the welcome.

Here I am looking at the other posts: :ph34r:

Gast sassified

I just found an online translation tool that helps me read some of your posts but it does not work very well. :ph34r:


Here is more info about my book:

1. It is written for kids age 7-11.

2. Every chapter features a "cool cache," safety tips, interviews with "kid cachers" from around the world, and interesting facts.

3. It is written to make GPS easy to understand

I will be happy to answer questions.


It will be filled with photos from many places. No photos will be used without permission.


I should tell you: In USA we are very divided about the war in Iraq. I feel shame and outrage over the actions of our government.

I should tell you:  In USA we are very divided about the war in Iraq.  I feel shame and outrage over the actions of our government.

You don't have to defend yourself for being american.

I should tell you:  In USA we are very divided about the war in Iraq.  I feel shame and outrage over the actions of our government.

And do not forget that The Netherlands are an allie. Not everyone is happy about that either.


But let's not talk politics in this forum. It should be about geocaching.


I like the idea about the book. What can be the role of us, as dutch? You want one of us to contribute with something specific dutch and related to kids? Or just for kids. There is for example a cache about Nijntje (the rabbit from Mr. Bruna, forgot its english name; and that's for less than 7 years too). Or are you looking for caches which are fun to find for kids.


Or is it that you look for dutch specific caches: mills, tulips etc?


Other things to explain to kids may be the "danger" of some plants and herbs, insects and bigger animals. Water in Holland can be friend or foe, almost all children in NL learn to swim before their sixth year. Not without reason. But I do not think that their is a difference with USA as far as possible dangers are concerned.


Trek je closettje maar even door B) Pas op dat je zelf niet mee spoelt, mocht dat echter wel gebeuren lijkt dat me ook geen ramp ;)


Ik heb duidelijk bedenkingen tegen deze persoon en stel het zeker niet op prijs dat hij foto's van mij of mijn caches gebruikt :ph34r:



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