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Op deze LINK kun je zien wat ze wel en wat ze niet mogen.

Ik krijg er gewoon medelijden mee.


Let niet op de beroerde engelse vertaling:


Where it is not must:-)

Author: 4x4typ.ru 

Date:   18.11.2003 01:47



II Objects of locality and the elements of the content of topographic maps and plans, forbidden for the open publication


7. geodetic points:

the points of state geodetic network, astronomical points, the point of surveying networks, bench-marks and the stamp of state leveling networks.


8. industrial objects:

electric substation, fuel depots, gas holders, mouths of mine is trunk and galleries (including on the tunnels and underground conduits), oil yields, petroleum ponds and pits, main petroleum- and gas pipes (including inverted siphons, the station of pumping and compressor stations on them), control and repeater stations and bunkers on the cables and the conduits, submarine and underground communication cables, airfields (with exception of those permitted to the open publication), seadromes, landing fields, sections of roads, equipped for the takeoff of aircraft.


9. road and the road construction:

blind alleys and the siding tracks of railroads (including of ground-based subway lines), the revetment of railroads, loading areas on the railroads, the constructed roads, the designation of the trudnoproyezzhikh sections of roads (to show by the arbitrary symbol of the usual roads of the corresponding class), the lift, separating, floating, chain, suspension bridges (to show by the arbitrary symbol of usual it is bridge).


10. hydrography and the water-engineering constructions:

water pipes, docks, slips, stocks and the objects of the navigation guarantee of floating into the ports (the anchorages, lighthouses, jars, cliffs, reefs, stones, sea channels, depths, fires, buoys and constant signs coast signaling), besides the objects, permitted to the open publication by the RF Ministry of Defense.


11. relief:

additional and auxiliary horizontals, if they detail the forms of relief with the detail better than on the map of scale 1:100000, the entrances into the caves and the grottos.


12. characteristics of the objects of the locality:

the specialization of the industrial objects (they can be accompanied by the signature of "promzona"), height and fire resistance of the blocks of the populated areas, the material of building and the height of construction not more than 30 is meter, the height of the supports of electric power lines;

ruts, elektrifitsirovannost' of railroads, characteristic of the sections of railroads with the inclines are more than 20%, the sections of motor roads with the large inclines and the small turning radii, of road construction (with exception of length and width of all it is specific it is bridge), of road tunnels and sections of mountain roads (paths) on the artificial cornices (ovringov), passages under the bridges, auto-ferrys boat, the time of action of crossings;

it is sluice, weirs, channels, the acting reservoirs, hydro-electric stations, the duration of the floods of rivers and lakes, the rate of flow in the rivers, the depth of rivers, lakes, swamps and other reservoirs, soil of the river bed of rivers and relief of the bottom of reservoirs, it is tidal - ebb currents and range of tide;

quarries, waste heaps, refuse, dams, coast it is gross, dikes, breaks, ravines, ravines, elevation of the most salient points of locality (command - having the greatest height and those allowing a good survey from them of the surrounding locality, maximum visibility from them);

the quantitative and qualitative characteristic of forests (with exception of the species of trees), width it cut.


13. elements of the zaramochnogo formulation of topographic maps and plans:

the grid of rectangular coordinates in the political systems of the state of coordinates (besides the map of scale 1:200000) and its numbering;

signature about the system of coordinates of map (including keys of passage from the conditional (local) coordinate systems to the political systems of the state of coordinates);

explanatory texts and drawings about the magnetic declination and the convergence of meridians, the data about the magnetic anomalies;

nomenclature and the cipher of the nomenclature of the sheet of map in the state ruling;

information about the locality, diagram it is ground, information, which characterize the passability of the roads and terrain out of the roads for different it is specific transport.





Aan de andere kant zijn ze ook heel soepel. Iemand heeft een cache geplaatst waar de spoorwegen aldaar bereid waren om even omheen te gaan.

user posted image


De Russen zijn misschien wel een beetje extreem in dit alles maar andere landen kunnen er ook wat van zoals Turkije, India, Pakistan enz. enz.

Daar zijn b.v. alle topo-kaarten militair geheim. En in Griekenland moet je niet aan vliegtuig-spotting doen. :eek:

Het leuke van de moderne Russen is: ze hebben topo-kaarten van de hele wereld met alle 'militaire' objecten erop. En die verkopen ze. :ph34r:

Dus wil ik een topo-kaart van Kashmir hebben: bij de Russen kan ik terecht. Bij de Amerikanen niet en bij de strijdende partijen al helemaal niet. Maar Cyrillisch schrift lezen: ik ben er nooit aan toe gekomen, net zomin als aan Grieks. :huh:


Ik heb er een paar van Oost Duitsland van voor de 'Wende' waar met de hand al die militaire objecten op ingetekend zijn incl de snelste route naar het westen in geval van.....

Maar vertel eens professor hoe kom ik aan die russische kaarten van U?

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